‘I have now been offered a graduate placement at XYZ (international IT consultants) that I will be accepting very shortly. My role will be working very closely with major clients and I cannot wait to start. I would like to thank RED CVs for all their effort – I have been and
will continue to refer you to friends and colleagues. Thank you.’
SO (Systems / Software Engineering Graduate)
Job Search ‘Plus’
This unique and comprehensive service was developed as a result of customer feedback and in recognition of the fact that job hunting can be a full time occupation in itself! The Internet can be a great asset and we’ve harnessed our expertise in it along with some more traditional methods to help take the stress out of your job hunting.
The service can be tailored to suit your individual circumstances, but typically might include the following:
- Setting up of a professional e-mail address for you to use specifically in your job hunting activities
- Links to all the top job search websites and submission of your details to those that offer job alerts by e-mail and relevant newsletters
- Contact details of local recruitment agencies specializing in your chosen field, plus your CV and covering letter distributed to them
- Submission of your CV to job adverts that you have seen
- Submission of your CV to companies that you’d like to approach on a speculative basis
- Links to, or details of, any and all job adverts that we come across in the process that we think may be of interest to you
- Details of industry and national press publications which may be of use to you
- Interview advice and help such as lists of the most frequently asked interview questions to practice with and perfect
Whilst we would recommend that you have your CV and covering letters professionally written by RED CVs, if you have existing documents you may still use this service.
After agreeing on a package content that is suitable for you, further information is gathered from you via specially designed questionnaire, e-mail and phone consultations as necessary. Timescales are agreed at the time of order.
NB in ordering this service you are agreeing to us distributing your details to third parties – purely for your benefit and only in relation to your job search strategy.